Western Bhutan – pleasantly beautiful!

Bhutan has been divided into three tourist circuits – western, central and eastern. The western circuit is most popular comprising six districts – Thimphu, Paro, Haa, Wangdue Phodrang, Punakha and Gasa. The capital city Thimphu is abode of the royal family. Tashichho Dzong (fortress), National Memorial Chorten, Buddha Dordenma Statue, Folk Heritage Museum, Simtokha Dzong and Thimphu Tshechu festival are major attractions of the city. One of the widest valleys, Paro is a beautiful place famous for the iconic Taktsang Lhakhang monastery, Dzongdrakha Temple, Kila Gompa, National Museum, Drugyel Dzong and Paro Tshechu festival. The smallest region Haa with its unspoiled forests and mountain peaks is perfect for mountain biking and hiking. Wangdue Phodrang is noted for Phobjikha Valley, Gangtey Monastery, Dargay Gompa and cultural festivals. In addition, Punakha Valley in Punakha and Gasa Dzong, Laya and Luhana villages, religious monuments and splendid nature in Gasa will completely spell-bind you.

-The Tiger’s Nest Monastery

The Tiger’s Nest Monastery is a small collection of temples precariously perched on a cliff, 900 meters off the ground. It is stunning in its beauty and location. Without a doubt, a first time trip to Bhutan would not be complete without seeing the Tiger’s Nest.

– Museum

The National Museum of Bhutan in Ta Dzong at Paro has over 3000 artworks and masterpieces that display more than 1500 years of cultural heritage of Bhutan. The collection of ceremonial masks and their explanations is very well curated along with a short documentary on each section. The section on the natural flora and fauna of Bhutan is documented and displayed as well.

Memorial Chorten

It is a very enchanting place and there is so much of positivity around. The Memorial Stupa also known as the Thimphu Chorten is build in memory of the 3rd King of Bhutan. It is a prominent landmark in the city with its golden spires and bells and nice garden around.

– Punakha Dzong

Punakha Dzong is a beautiful piece of architecture. It is a huge fortress built on the riverside and to enter you have to walk through a magnificent wooden bridge over the river. It is the ancient capital of Bhutan.

Thimphu Valley (The capital City)

Paro Valley


0 Replies to “Western Bhutan – pleasantly beautiful!”

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